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Global Career AI is the first platform in the world, build specially for HR consultants and job seekers, where HR consultants provide professional career support to job seekers
Potential Partners
IT Companies
Government Organizations
Educational Platforms
Telecommunications Companies
Auto Concerns
Oil and Gas Sector
Integration with
HR platforms
and social media
Choose your direction
HR consultants and other service providers
HR consultants are professionals who closely collaborate with job seekers to understand their requirements and identify suitable job positions that align with these needs. They take on a variety of tasks, including providing advice, mentoring, support during onboarding, and identifying potential roles that match their skills. This process contributes to a successful career path for job seekers.
At Global Career AI, HR consultants can offer guidance on interview preparation, resume writing, and career development. They also assist job seekers in identifying their strengths and weaknesses, providing advice on improving their skills and qualifications.
HR consultants
Our Advantages
Specialized platform
Personal brand
Elevate your career as an HR consultant by strengthening your personal brand. Mentor others, earn extra income, and bolster your professional reputation.
Discover a rich set of features designed to facilitate your candidate search and matching, boosting your professional growth and income potential.
Less routine work
Global Career AI automates tasks such as resume screening, candidate matching, and interview scheduling using AI. Our platform not only provides essential tools for daily needs but also enhances your potential.
Targeted hiring strategies
Our platform applies various techniques and approaches to help companies to identify the right candidates for their open positions.
How it works
Sign up by providing your information
List your services and desired pricing. Feel free to share reviews from your previous clients
Registration on the platform
Listing your services
Receive requests from clients and start working on them
Once the service is successfully performed, receive the payment
Communication with the clients
Receiving payment
Is it possible to use your platform for both promoting my services and finding the suitable candidates?
Will I get access to AI tools on your platform for free?
Are there any limitations in pricing for the services I can list?
What is the monthly fee for using the platform?
Yes. All you have to do is to register on a platform as a service provider. Once you're there- it is up for you to decide how to use it. You can list your services or simply start searching for a perfect candidate. On our platform, you will be able to use filters and search tools to find candidates that match the requirements of your job opening. We will provide access to a candidate database with detailed profiles, resumes, and the ability to contact them.
Yes. You will get a basic set of free AI tools.
No, you should decide how much you want to charge for your services. From our side, we can share with you the pricing for the same services listed on our platform.
We do not charge a monthly fee; instead, we charge a commission for every transaction made via the platform.
Fill out the form to get a chance to become one of the first participants on the platform
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Job seekers
Job seekers are individuals who are actively looking for employment opportunities. This can also include those who are currently unemployed, as well as those who are employed but eager for fresh career horizons. Beyond finding job openings, job seekers also prepare for interviews, develop a strong CV and cover letter, and dive into their own research about the prospective company and role.
At Global Career AI, you can navigate the competitive job market by staying stay persistent and strategic in your job search. Use our features to meet your needs and optimize your career path through seamless and transparent collaboration process with HR specialists.
HR consultants
Our Advantages
Profile precision
Unlocked interview success
Benefit from exclusive access to training materials, mock interviews, and consultations with experts.
⁕ Use profile extension for accurate job recommendations
⁕ Get personalized job matches via refined search filters
⁕ Stay ahead with active notifications for exclusive opportunities
Rarer than rare
Uncover a single platform that's got your whole career covered – offering comprehensive support for navigating career paths.
All-in-one platform
Our cloud-based solution is your all-in-one space to effortlessly store, manage, and share your CV while being able to get career support.
How it works
Sign up by providing your information
AI assists in selecting the best specialists based on your data
Registration on the platform
Selection of services
Start the discussion with the chosen specialist, making sure you are on the same page
Confirm successfully delivered service. Proceed with payment and enjoy it
Communication with the specialist
Confirmation of the service
How to choose a service provider?
Should I pay in advance?
Is it possible to leave a review for the service provider?
Can I list my CV on your platform?
With the help of specified filters, artificial intelligence will assist you in choosing the most suitable recruiter. Additionally, you can independently explore the full list of recruiters and decide who is best suited for your needs.
No, you will be charged after the service is provided.
Absolutely yes. Reviews provide us with valuable feedback on the quality of service, professionalism of the staff, and the level of customer satisfaction.
Yes, what's more, it is completely free of charge. Every service provider registered on our platform will have access to it and can reach out to you to offer a job.
Will I be swamped with spam and ads from service providers?
No, we protect our users, and limit the options for people to contact you with irrelevant requests and approaches.
Fill out the form to get a chance to become one of the first participants on the platform
Join the Waitlist now
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